Service "Border Crossing Cameras" Installed at Six Crossings

By , 06 Aug 2019, 18:34 PM Travel
Service "Border Crossing Cameras" Installed at Six Crossings Cameras at Border Crossings, copyright MUP

6 August 2019 - The service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Cameras at Border Crossings" has been put into operation, and thanks to it, citizens will be able to be informed about the situation at border crossings at any time and plan their travel accordingly.

According to the Ministry, the service can be accessed through the MIA (MUP) website via the eponymous banner or directly by accessing the web address.

“The service provides a visual representation of the entry and exit of the two-lane border crossings - incoming and outgoing. At this moment, the cameras are installed at the six of the most frequent border crossings, and it is possible to see the current situation at the Bozaj and Sukobin border crossings towards Albania, at the Vracenovići BC (GP) towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, at Dracenovac and Dobrakovo BCs towards Serbia, at Debeli Brijeg BC towards Croatia," states the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They announce that the system for three more border crossings - Scepan Polje, Sitnica and Rance will soon be put into operation.

"Camera shots can be accessed from both PCs and mobile phones, using the mobile Internet or WiFi signals. Video streams are loaded into the HTML5 player, which means that no additional application is required. All you have to do is click on the desired border crossing and wait for the video to load," MUP explained.

The implementation of a system for visually and timely informing the public about traffic intensity at the borders is of particular importance during the summer tourist season, as estimated in the Ministry.

"The goal is to facilitate border crossings for both our citizens and guests residing in our country," they concluded from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, recalling that they are continuously undertaking activities to improve electronic services in order to provide even more efficient service to citizens and to justify their confidence.

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