Camellia Festival in Stoliv Dedicated to Camellia Flower

By , 19 Mar 2019, 23:13 PM Travel
Camellia Festival in Stoliv Dedicated to Camellia Flower Camellia is Coming to Stoliv, Photo by Zoran Nikolic

March 19, 2019 - The traditional manifestation "Camellia Festival Stoliv 2019" starts in Stoliv, Kotor on Saturday 23 March at 10 am at the Art and Literature Workshop in Nature called "Camellia in the Heart of Boka."  The festival will, like every year, include various programs, which in Stoliv attract the lovers of this flower and Boka Bay from the countries of the region, but also in other parts of Europe. This year, guests come from German Aachen and Opatija, an old Croatian tourist star whose trademark is the camellia flower. 

Through various programs, festivities will last until 12 May, when the traditional Camellia Trophy will be held in Stoliv. As the organizers say "every resemblance to the Camellia Trophy is intentional!"
The non-governmental organization "Kamelija" Stoliv celebrates the fact that the oriental flower in Stoliv and throughout Boka found great natural conditions and cares almost every yard, especially on the slopes of Vrmac and Orjen towards Kotor-Risan Bay. The gorgeous flower arrived in Boka thanks to the sailors, as well as the fact that here in the past a lot of effort was made in decorating the terrace gardens that rose above the wreaths of stone houses along the coast.
Like every year, the event encompasses cultural, educational, sports and gastronomic contents, which traditionally begin with art programs for students of the Bokelian schools, who will write and paint inspired by the camellia, on the table already this weekend.
The exhibition of the arrangement of the camellia is a program from which the entire festival was born about 30 years ago. This year's show hosts the Solidarity Gallery in Kotor, and the opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday, March 29 at 7 pm.
On Saturday, March 30, from 9 am to 2 pm; there is a meeting of farmers from the country and abroad, as well as visiting yards with camellia trees participating in the competition for the title "The Most Beautiful Garden with Camellia", expert advice and exchanging experiences.
The central event Stoliv is celebrated on Sunday, March 31, starting at 11 am. After the festive opening ceremony, with small theatre play presenting camellia's arrival to Stoliv, guests will be presented with the exhibition of flower arrangements, an exhibition of artworks and the presentation of literary works. A professional team made up of horticultural growers will announce this year's selection of the most beautiful garden with camellia. Organizers also invite to excursions to the mountain trails on Vrmac and Gornji Stoliv (8 am and 1 pm) and the traditional mussels gastro event.
The Camellia Ball, with the election of the Lady of Camellia, is scheduled for Saturday, 13 April at 8.30 pm.
Young musicians will perform the "Camellia Notes" concert on Wednesday, 24 April from 7 pm in the Concert Hall of the Vida Matjan Music School - The Church of the Holy Spirit in the Old Town of Kotor.
The "Camellia Trophy" program is on Sunday, 12 May, at Stoliv, with the following activities: the fishing competition in wooden boats (6 am), wooden boats sailing regatta (10 am), parade and awnings on wooden boats (11 am). Organizers are also inviting for the round table on the conservation of wooden boats (noon) and proclamation of the best in all competition disciplines, followed by an entertainment program of 1 pm.
During the event, guests of the NGO "Kamelija" will be breeders and camellia lovers from Opatija (Croatia) and Aachen (Germany).
The sponsor of the manifestation is the Tourist Organization of Kotor, and the organizers are NGO "Kamelija" and the Local Community of Stoliv.

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